Posted by Brian Mann
The Bays Hospital – Intensive Care Unit 
 On Thursday the 09th May 2019 the new Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at The Bays Hospital was officially opened. A small number of our members were invited to attend and witness the opening ceremony.  The Rotary Club of Mornington and The Bays Hospital have a very respectable and long standing working relationship. The new ICU contains five individual units/rooms which all contain cutting edge state of the art medical assets. Each room holds medical equipment and associated assets worth some $180,000.00.   The Rotary Club of Mornington can be justifiably proud of our contributions to the ICU in which our donation of $25,000.00 resulted in the purchase and installation of one of the five the Critical Care Beds.
The Bays Hospital provide a vast range of medical services for the Mornington community and the attainment of this new resource will provide potential life saving capabilities to all patients who are being treated within the hospital. The ICU is just one of a number of new projects that are part of the expansion of medical services at the Bays. At present the Bays are in the financial planning stages for future development and construction of a Cancer Centre and a Rehabilitation Unit.