Saving Lives by investing in Research into Bowel Cancer Detection
Most Australians know someone who has been impacted by Bowel Cancer. For high income countries like ours, it’s one of the top ten causes of death. The best way to reduce this risk is early detection.
The current detection methods are either an invasive and expensive colonoscopy, or in Australia, the widely available and inexpensive national bowel cancer screening program. Only 40% of people offered this free screening avail themselves of it, and although it’s the best test we have, it is only 60% effective in identifying sufferers of bowel cancer. That’s still a lot of lives saved.
Mornington Rotary Club and Australian Rotary Health are very pleased to be sponsoring new research into a better way of bowel cancer screening. PhD candidate Liam Ryan, at Deakin University, is researching the use of cell based screening rather than relying on blood detection, used by the current national screening test.
Mornington Club President 2019-21 Ross Kilborn says that this research has the potential to save many more lives through more effective and earlier detection. “Mornington Rotary has had a long commitment to medical research. In the early 1980’s the club led research into sudden infant death syndrome, which evolved to the formation of Australian Rotary Health”.  Since then Australian Rotary Health has contributed over $50 million dollars to medical research, with an emphasis, since the early 2000’s on mental health, especially for young people.
Mornington Rotary has continued its commitment to Australian Rotary Health, having previously sponsored Bevan Main as a PhD candidate for research into Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE); a disease that has recently received much media attention for its impact on players in our football codes. The club is also currently sponsoring an Indigenous student, Molly King, in her studies to become a doctor, and enable her to realise her ambition of improving Indigenous health.
L to R, Ted Moore, Liam Ryan, Molly King, and Ken Bilham, Ross Kilborn.
(both Ted and Ken were members in 1981 when ARH was conceived)
This year Australian Rotary Health is celebrating its fortieth anniversary. Anyone can contribute to this valued research, or Australian Rotary Health, through either a donation or bequest in their will.
Ross, says “I am pleased to be contributing, as a funding partner, to this research into this new bowel screening approach in memory of my father Reg. I am sure there are many others who would like to join me in this important opportunity to improve our effectiveness and early detection, and minimise the distress caused by this disease”.
More information on Australian Rotary Health at
To contribute to the special 40th Anniversary Fundraiser   either click here  -  Or contact the Mornington Club,   Ross Kilborn  on 0412171666